One of the most flammable and hottest burning tinders our there, these magnesium shavings are guaranteed to get a fire started! We source our magnesium from the UK and is A-R Grade (99.7% Pure).
Magnesium burns at around 2200 °C compared to a normal wood fire which fireplace which burns at around 600°C! The extremely hot flame makes it a very efficient fire starter, it will ignite your tinder very easily. It also means you only need a very small amount which makes it a great option for multiple day hikes or expeditions where you might need to conserve your tinder.
However, we want to stress magnesium also burns very fast! Make sure you kindling is properly prepared and ready to go! Magnesium also burns extremely bright. Whilst it’s not the most ideal form of signalling the extremely bright light can be used to signal for help, especially at night. We have packed the tin full of shavings, there is enough tinder here for multiple fires!
Main Features
• Produced in the UK, A-R Grade (99.7% Pure) magnesium shavings
• Burns at around 2200 °C
• Very small amounts will ignite your kindling
• Great for multiple day hikes or expeditions
• Can also be used to signalling
• Enough tinder for 20 fires!
Technical Specs
• Materials: A-R Grade (99.7% Pure) magnesium, Aluminium
• Dimensions (tinder tin): 105mm (L) x 65mm (W) x 15mm (D)